If you are applying for a California Designated Representative license, then you're also going to need to include proof of required training (specifically, a training affidavit) in your license application packet. Earn a training affidavit (accepted by the Board) by taking any one of our courses.

Earn a training affidavit
California Designated Representative Training Course for Wholesalers
California Designated Representative Training Course for Wholesalers
SkillsPlus International Inc.'s California Designated Representative training courses are accepted by the California State Board of Pharmacy.
California requires drug & device wholesalers to retain on-site, a California-licensed pharmacist or Designated Representative (who must be physically present during all hours of operation) to conduct their business. This course is approved & recommended by the California Board of Pharmacy, as it meets the Board's training requirements.
If you are applying for a California Designated Representative license, then you're also going to need to include proof of required training (specifically, a training affidavit) in your license application packet. Earn a training affidavit (accepted by the Board) by taking any one of our courses.
We offer a web-based, self-study class and final exams for this certification. When you successfully complete the course, you'll earn a training affidavit (accepted by the California Board of Pharmacy). The class is fast, to the point, and has helped thousands of potential California Designated Representatives get licensed.

About SkillsPlus International Inc.
SkillsPlus International Inc.'s California Designated Representative training courses are accepted by the California State Board of Pharmacy.
SkillsPlus International Inc. was originally incorporated in 1991. We've been in business for more than 40 years, providing quality services to the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries. While serving the needs of over 350 clients and customers world-wide, it is our mission to provide quality training and consulting services that meet the needs of the client organization.
Tel: (415) 948-5220
SkillsPlus International Inc.'s California Designated Representative training courses are accepted by the California State Board of Pharmacy.